At the beginning of every laser application, besides the pure feasibility study, is the laser process development. We look back on 25 years of experience and well-founded know-how in surface processing with laser radiation and are thus able to develop demand-oriented and economically reasonable laser processes for our interested parties and customers.
Right from the beginning, the mechanical design is included in the process development in order to consider later system concepts.
First, a feasibility study is performed in our test center with different laser sources and parameters to verify the material interaction with respect to the wavelength used. After a suitable laser and associated parameter set have been found, they are verified by several sample processing steps.
In the next step, the parameters from the first tests are interpreted with regard to economic aspects. In small test series, the selected parameters are then applied to customer samples in close coordination with the customer and - if necessary - further improved.
The laser process and the optical system consisting of laser source, laser scanner and optics must now be integrated into an automated, partially automated or inline solution.
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